The management of the fleet has changed the game in real time!
If you are an owner of a boat-renting company or of a company that deals with cargo transit you should take a good care of your vehicles and ensure their security. You already know that using your phone,tablet or even desktop you can locate each of your boats or vehicles in real time with no further cost. Moreover, your screen can show you the exact position of your vehicles, their stops, speeds and more actions that the had during their route. The GPS is ideal for your needs at sea and land.

We have advantages in
The GPS tracking system is more than a tool to a company, it’s a dynamic,invisible partener in a team that can change the rules in track and management of vehicles.
SeaTrack Fleet Manager
Traking devices
Making the difference in the choice of your equipment
The devices we use have been rated and naturally covered to the highest standards of good quality and reliability. They provide the accreditations of the European Confrormity Regulations in order to provide security during their use.

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